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Friday, February 19, 2010

A fresh start (Again)

If you read my blog it may seem that I maintain a fairly healthy diet (I cook with greens and vegetables, dang it!). However, I have a confession to make; I do not tell you everything I eat on this blog, in fact, I only tell you about the (somewhat) interesting things that I cook and eat. So... there's a lot more going on between the lines than one may realize; like girl scout cookies, oreos (I ate oreos today!), dove chocolate, potato chips, starbucks...
I must admit, I have a large sweet tooth! My darling husband, John, does not have the curse of the sweet tooth so I don't make a lot of desserts at home. However, I end up eating a lot of crappy snack food in between meals, especially if I am at home and the food is in my reach. I'm sure NO ONE here knows what I'm talking about! ;) An example: girl scout cookies. It's so easy to reach into the freezer and take one out every once in awhile, and BOOM, I've somehow eaten 6. How does this happen?

While talking to my darling sister today about staying healthy, I made the realization that I need to decrease my processed food intake, and increase my fresh food intake. Last winter I tried this in an attempt to become 'toned' for our trip to St. John and it totally worked. I had more energy, felt more 'fit' than I had in awhile, and felt more positive about life in general. I want to be back in that wonderful place (St. John! Oh, and the happy, healthy, fit place...hehe).

I am not going on a diet, I am just going to try to replace 1 fresh food with 1 processed food each day. So if I want to reach for the GS cookies tomorrow, I will instead trying to reach for a grapefruit half, or carrots, or an apple... I know this sounds torturous, and I have to admit, I do not want to reach for an apple in place of chocolate. But, I do not have to ALWAYS reach for the healthy food, I just have to replace one snack a day with it to start. This seems a lot less scary to me than making some huge promise to myself and then breaking it after, oh, 5 minutes when I see the gs cookies again. If I choose cookies in that instance, I know that later in the day I should choose something healthy instead.

It's about taking care of the bodies that God has given each one of us to the best of our ability. It's not about being terribly strict about your whole diet, it's about picking one small thing at a time to adjust. So, how will you take care of your body today? What one positive diet change will you make this week? Let me know if you've picked something to do, it would be fun and encouraging to help each other succeed! I will keep you updated on my success in eating more fresh fruits and veggies... (and hopefully a few less oreos and girl scout cookies in return!).


  1. Never fear dear sister, I've heard that "dark chocolate" (unlike milk chocolate) is an anti-oxidant! Cheers! while we eat dark chocolate and sip on red wine!

    (don't quote me on this, thats for certain)

    also, thanks for the "get healthy" encouragement!

  2. ps. the last "captcha" i had to put in to comment said "cured"

  3. and now it just says "wandul" lol

  4. Laura! Great inspiration here. I have been trying to do the same...My father in law are thinking about an official detox. (Random I know). I know they are controversial but I feel like It would be awesome to get rid of all those toxins! For now, I like your reach for a grapefruit and other great ideas!

  5. I wrote my last post with Green Things in mind!
    You should be able to relate! :)

  6. Plus most Girl Scout cookies have trans fat (even thought the box may say zero grams, look for "hydrogenated" in the ingredients), and that's an actual poison! Bad news. You should read Skinny Bitch. It's hilarious, and will convince you what a good idea you have there getting rid of processed "foods".

  7. Just trying to use up that darn farm share is making me too full to eat anything else! I hate to throw out fresh organic produce cause of fridge death! As of today I've actually lost 10 pounds in the last 2 months on the winter CSA diet :-)
